My Story
The Full Story
I spent the last 20 years on a path of self discovery diving into many modalities to find a way to heal because I had the story that I couldn't trust anyone to ask for help. Along the path I found tantra and began truly understanding the bigger picture of incorporating the entire human experience into life. This is when my life changed completely so swiftly that I knew I was on the path I was meant to be on to help others.
I spent almost 10 years in Asia allowing me the advantage of seeing many different cultures and opening me up to new ways of thinking and being.
Beginning to questions many things that were told to us as truth.
What is when I came to realize it that we hold the truth deep within us and that means something very different to everyone.
That is what makes us special.
That is what makes this human experience so magical.
I did my studies with the Embodied Awakening Academy to become a Tantric Practitioner and facilitator while living in Bali, Indonesia. There I was able to dive very deep with other students to embody and integrate the teachings with continued workshops and retreats. I have since moved back to the US to be closer to family which also lead me to my partner, whom I am fortunate enough to have the same purpose in life as I do.
I am still facilitating and hosting retreats for the Academy alongside my partner.